Thursday, April 13, 2006

Middle finger to the U S of A

I pissed on MSR, I said fuck the cash
I rammed my internship right down the trash

So what...SO WHAT??
So what, so boring little fuck!

Middle finger to the U S of A
It’s not always about the pay

So what, so boring little fuck!

Bush can butt-fuck himself
Cut his dick off and put it on the shelf
Coz sidj aint gracing his goddam country
Not for no internship, not for no academic degree

Stick your head up your faggot boring little fuck!

To the fat-assed bitches of the USA
I’m sorry, but I have to say
You’re obnoxious compared to the ones at Lausanne
And of course the crème de la crème of Amsterdam!

Stick your hamburgers up your faggot boring little fucks!

Where prostitution is legal, and on weed are all high
That’s where I wanna be, not your shitty pigsty
The snowy Alps resplendent under the shining sun
Not Manhattan like a fucking dungeon

Put a shotgun on your balls, and blast them boring little fucks!

(thanks to Dubey for the idea)